Document Type : Articles


1 malek ashtar

2 allameh tabatabaee

3 vali asr rafsanjan


    In a particular kind of organizational behavior, a member of the organization at least two interpersonal communication situations with other stakeholders in the organization issues different and sometimes contradictory behaviors on a single attitudinal issue, only one or none of them is consistent with his (her) actual attitude. Such a form of organizational behavior is known by the name of hypocrisy in interpersonal communication. Trust have the most effect on interpersonal behavior, because it influences the efficiency and accuracy of communications. If trust is affected by factors such as leadership style and Perceived climate of silence and reduced, the ground for happening hypocritical behavior will be provided. One of the style of leadership that can confuse interpersonal trust and create organizational silence is the style of Bully leadership. This study examine the effect of bully leadership style on hypocritical behavior. The mediating role of interpersonal trust between bully leadership and hypocritical behavior and the moderator role of perceived climate of silence on the relationship between interpersonal trust and hypocritical behavior were also investigated.


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