Paper requirements

Is your article proper for the Transformation Management Journal?

Check by reading the aims and scope of the journal, and look at recently published articles.

Are you sure that your article is not simultaneously submitted to another journal?

Have you read the “Manuscript Structure”?

Manuscript Structure will tell you everything that the editorial board will be expecting to see in your paper, including word counts and style guides.

Are All of the authors aware of this article submission and its content?

Does the journal receive any charge to review and publish articles?

 Authors whose articles are accepted must pay 4,000,000 Rials to cover part of the editing and publishing costs.


Checklist of paper submission

Have you identified 4-5 appropriate keywords?

Keywords help relevant readers find your article in the databases.

Have you written an effective title and abstract?

The title and abstract are your chance to grab a potential reader’s attention.

Is your manuscript in accordance with the manuscript submission guidelines?

Your manuscript must be in accordance with the journal’s Author Guide 

Is your article easy to read?

The manuscript should be written legibly. All the manuscript should be checked for spelling and grammar.

Have you cited sources appropriately?

 Make sure you avoid accidental plagiarism by taking a look at our policy on citations. All references mentioned in the Reference List must be cited in the text, and vice versa.


Get ready to submit

  Have you declared any conflict of interest?

Authors should clearly state any possible conflicts of interest (direct financial, indirect financial, professional conflict, and intellectual property). Get the conflict of interest form from the journal's website

 Have you entered ORCID?

An Orchid ID is a unique identifier that links all your publications together. If you do not have an Orchid ID, it is recommended that you create one.

Enter the orchid ID of other authors when submitting the manuscript on the site.

Do you have the correct files ready to upload?

To submit your article, you need the following files:

  • Title page (including Authors’ name, academic position, and affiliations, corresponding author’s email and phone number)
  • Main manuscript: (in *.doc or *.docx format) prepared according to the journal’s requested format