Document Type : Articles


University of Payame noor


 The main goal of any organization is to achieve success. There is no way to achieve this goal but to resort to a systematic, indigenous, and practical perspective. The success of each organization requires its managers and members to pay attention to main concepts, including organizational culture, learning, empathy, and policies. One strategy to empower the personnel is storytelling. Stories convey the meanings and shape, facilitate, and reconstruct social exchanges in organizations. According to postmodern thinking, the organization is made up of a collection of stories, of which one dominates at any given time and the others are screaming to attract attention. The need for organizational continuous success of the health sector and its critical role in improving the social dynamics makes it necessary to explore the cohesion of hospitals' cultural context in terms of employees' empathy.
 One of the most important motivations for any organization and its managers is the need for success. Success refers to the extent to which the organization is satisfied with progress according to its capabilities. Storytelling is the art of creating ideas and knowledge through the organization's situational and spiritual characteristics. Organizational empathy may serve as a mediator of the relationship between storytelling and organizational success. Beyond the organization's non-renewable assets, employees are considered as a generative and irreplaceable resource if it is accompanied by the organizational cohesion and empathy.


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