Document Type : مقالات


vali-e-asr university


This research is a metaphorical narrative from one member of a public organization about organizational ostracism to receive a deep understanding about this organizational phenomenon. In this regard, after selecting and inviting participant to research process based typical sampling, the data were gathered through deep interviews up to theoretical saturation. In order to retelling the story, the three phases of transcription, retranscription, and restoring was executed based on three dimensions of narrative structure (interaction, continuity, and situation). Then, thems were explored and codified. Based on research findings, 6 episodes and their corresponding metaphors were explored and represented from research data: 1. Entering into organization and exemplifying (lovebird metaphor); 2. Succeeding in organization and shining (glareola metaphor); 3. Conflicting in organization and incompatibility (offened bird metaphor); 4. Declining in organization and being neglected (captive bird metaphor); 5. Ostracism in organization and banishment (cage bird metaphor); and 6. Plateaue in organization and duality of solace-tension (horror-struck bird metaphor).


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