Document Type : Original Article


M.A. in Business Administration, University of Isfahan


Today, due to the increasing speed of change in organizations, managers are looking for ways to increase employee organizational commitment to gain a competitive advantage. since organizations face dynamic environments, they need employees who are able to quickly change their tasks and move easily between teams. this is where the person-organization fit is considered. the fit between employees' values and organizational culture can be a predictor of organizational commitment. on the other hand, one of the important factors for the survival of organizations is their manpower capability. when employees have a high level of psychological empowerment, they consider their work important, consider themselves an effective person in the organization, and consequently increase their commitments to the organization.
Considering that performance improvement is the most important goal for organizations, desired affecting factors must be identified and be strengthened. one of these factors is the organizational commitment which in turn may affect job satisfaction, absenteeism, turnover, and performance. on the other hand, the issue of compatibility between employees and organizations has been raised as an important factor to answer the question of why individuals are attracted to a particular organization or why employees remain in a particular organization. also, today, employees' empowerment is one of the most important indicators of an organizations' success. organizational commitment can be increased through empowering employees by means of more freedom, job independence, decision-making responsibility, and authority in performing tasks. empowerment cause employees to be internally motivated and, thus, has a positive relationship with human resource productivity. previous research emphasized these three variables as important antecedents of organizational performance.
This research is an applied study in terms of purpose, and in terms of nature and method of research, it is a descriptive survey. The statistical population of the study was comprised of 150 employees working in the Isfahan Customs Department, 108 of which were selected as the statistical sample using Cochran's formula and random sampling. Needed data was collected distributing a written questionnaire.
The research results demonstrated that person-organization fit had a positive and significant impact on organizational commitment. In addition, the indirect impact of person-organization fit on organizational commitment through psychological empowerment was statistically significant. The direct effect of the predictor variable was greater than the indirect effect. Overall, person-organization fit and psychological empowerment can be considered as affecting factors of organizational commitment.
The result of the first hypothesis is consistent with that of Poorrostami et al. (2016) and Margarta and Vikaksana (2020). Therefore, it is suggested to managers that create more effective employment mechanisms to maximize person-organizational fit and increase the organizational commitment. The result of the second hypothesis is consistent with the results of Eshaghiyan et al. (2016), Ameri and Ismaili (2010), Ratanasari and Soderma (2019), Afsar and Badir (2016), and Gregory (2010). To increase the employees' psychological empowerment, it is suggested that managers focus on improving the person-organization fit. Additionally, managers are recommended to hire employees who are adaptable to the organization's value system. The effect of psychological empowerment on organizational commitment was also confirmed, which is consistent with the results of Kafashpour and Shakoori (2015), Abbasi et al. (2013), Ravaghi et al. (2013), Zahedi et al. (2009), Yakubaki (2003), Janssen (2004), Ambad (2010), and Yasin Hamed (2020). Therefore, it is recommended that managers inform employees about direct and indirect costs imposed on the organization by employees' turnover and, thus, create a sense of duty in employees to stay in the organization. The results confirmed the indirect effect of person-organizational fit through psychological empowerment. This was consistent with the results of Farzaneh et al. (2014) and Karimi et al. (2018). Accordingly, attention to the measures of employee empowerment should be on the agenda of organizational management.


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