Document Type : Original Article


1 Assistant Professor, Public Administration, Payame Noor University, Tehran

2 Assistant Professor of organizational behavior management, University of Birjand

3 MSC Public Administration, Payame Noor University, Birjand


In today's organizations, the various groups perform most of the tasks directly or indirectly. nowadays, managers tend to team working increasingly. essentially, team working resulted in making loyalty, responding to innovation, flexibility, and organizational efficiency. although there is some evidence that shows researching the group-working can have a positive effect on the efficiency of the team working, but there are only a few studies about the level of group or team. therefore, as teamwork and teamwork become more interestingly that has a root in the rapid changes of the organizations' conditions such as organizational restructuring, competition in the world trade, increasing the labor force diversity and the technology development, such studies are necessary. nevertheless, these studies are few and weak in iran and iranian organizations. therefore, since the management theories such as the new management and leadership theories, the quality circles, the techniques of total quality management, the participatory management techniques, the theory of technical-social systems and organization with the likert interlocking rings, the network, organic and multi-criteria structures and so on have a special focus on the team working to do the task efficiently, it is more important to do these studies in water and waste water company of south khorasan. this always was one of the most important matters, issues, and priorities in water and waste water company of south khorasan to study the effective factors in doing the efficient team working in the company for providing some approaches to remove the obstacles in this matter and making capacity in this field of research.
Perceiving the concepts of group and team is necessary to perceive the concepts of teamwork and teamwork correctly. There are many definitions for "group" that shows the various attitudes of thinkers about this social phenomenon. Kaminsky (2017) defines a group as a gathering of two or more people that have meaningful and purposeful individual contact with each other continuously. There are many models focusing on the efficiency of teamwork, among which the Gladstein (1984) model was selected for this study. This model encompasses such concepts as group tasks, group processes, group structure, group composition, available resources, and organizational structure. The aspects of evaluating the teamwork efficiency also include achieving the goals, learning and the quality of the work, the quantity of the work, participation, and motivation, and improving the work relationships.
This research is a practical study in terms of purpose, and in terms of method, it is a descriptive survey. we have used the pls and version 23 of spss software to analyze the information. the statistical population of this study includes the staff of south khorasan urban water and sewerage company in 2019 and the total size of the population is equal to 200 individuals. therefore, we selected 127 individuals by morgan's table and by conducting a simple random sampling. we used a pre-made questionnaire based on previous research ranging on a 5-point likert scale.
We used the opinions of 20 people including university management professors and experts to evaluate the questionnaire's content validity. the cronbach's alpha coefficient and composite reliability were used to evaluate reliability. to analyze gathered data, we have used pls-sem by conducting hulland's two-step procedure. according to path coefficients and p-values, the effect of available resources on the group processes and the effect of adjusting the role of the group tasks in the relationship between group processes on the group effectiveness were not confirmed, but the other hypotheses were statistically significant. according to the value of the gof index, it can be said that the model is goodly fitted to data.
According to the research results, it was determined that the situation of the effective aspects in doing the teamwork is at an average level and only the aspect of the available resources is in a weaker situation. based on confirmed hypotheses of the research, we suggest that the group members must have complementary skills so that they can cover each other; according to the type of the work, the number of members to do the job must be enough; the manager of the group must support the collective reason and authorize the members; most of the work decisions must be taken by the group members, not by the manager; all of the group members must participate equally in the work; they must be able to discuss their problems with the group members honestly and finally the tasks and responsibilities must be divided fairly to do the work efficiently.


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