Document Type : Articles


Islamic Azad University of Mashhad


Like humans, Organizations may be healthy or sick. Among the psychological disorders in organizations, organizational paranoia may arise from employees’ negative attitudes. Employees’ sense of justice or injustice and also their perception of organizational support can motivate formation of positive or negative attitude that in turn affects the level of organization’s cynicism and sickness. Therefore, this study examines the relationship between organizational justice and organizational paranoia incorporating moderating role of perceived organizational support of the employees. Statistical population of this study includes all employees in Islamic Azad University of Mashhad from which a sample of 235 were selected for data analysis using stratified proportional sampling method. Research data was collected using a questionnaire that its face and content validity were confirmed by the university academic members. Appropriate Cronbach’s alpha coefficient indicated the research tools’ reliability. In order to analyze the research data, Pearson’s correlation test and Structural Equation Modeling were utilized. Our findings confirmed the moderating role of perceived organizational support in the relationship between organizational justice and organizational paranoia.


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