Document Type : Original Article


Department of Educational Sciences, Mashhad Branch, Islamic Azad University, Mashhad, Iran



Many forward-thinking organizations seek to educate managers to assess and meet their future needs. Obviously, the implementation of these programs requires the use of reliable assessment techniques that can accurately assess the desired capabilities. One of the mechanisms used in large companies in the world to address this issue is to exploit the center for evaluation and development. these centers are also utilized in iran for several years.


Evaluation centers are used to achieve various goals. the most important reasons for using evaluation centers are recruitment, appointment, retention, and development of employees. successful organizations employ middle and senior managers and even experts based on feedback received from the evaluation center. Evaluation centers have been an important tool in selecting managers for the past 25 years. One of the most important reasons for this success is that they have very high predictability.


To identify and model the performance factors, first, related university professors and administrators were identified and organized as delphi experts. then, using a questionnaire tool, the desired dimensions and components were identified during three delphi rounds.


The results indicated that the dimensions and components of the center for evaluation and development of managers' competencies include organizational value (6 components), insight and attitude (5 components), personality traits (6 components), personal communication (3 components), interpersonal communication (6 components), leadership (5 components), professional credibility (3 components), technological knowledge (3 components), self-management (4 components), managing the others (4 components), business management (7 components), emotional ability (3 components), mental ability (3 components), empirical ability (3 components), academic ability (4 components), physical ability (3 components), and personality traits and skills of evaluators (11 components). also, the important dimensions and components of the system to improve the organizational performance include human resources (4 components), knowledge management (4 components), external factors (6 components), internal factors (4 components), and organizational management (7 components).


Considering the role of the evaluation center in assessing the competence of managers, it is suggested to senior officials take the necessary measures to design, establish, utilize, and support evaluation centers to evaluate the competencies of their staff and provide a basis for meritocracy. On the other hand, the expansion of the evaluation center in the country and its acceptance by organizations and senior managers requires formulating and implementing a culture at the national level in line with the country's perspective. thus, researchers are advised to implement evaluation centers in organizations even in the form of research projects. It should be noted that, in the present study, the dimensions and components were designed in the municipality. The other organizations should design the appropriate model based on their specific tasks and managerial competencies. there are common roles and responsibilities for a manager. The evaluation center should accordingly evaluate the common tasks and competencies as well as tailor them to each organizational position.


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