Document Type : مقالات


PhD student, of Allameh Tabatabaei University


Dealing effectively with workplace conflicts is a great challenge in employees' interactions at work. Conflict is almost inevitable in individual and organizational life because it stems from so many different factors. This study aimed to promote understanding of conflict and conflict management styles in organizations. For this purpose, a sample of 43 mangers and employees of an educational institution (university) were randomly selected. Appropriate statistical analysis including Mann- Whitney test, Pearson Correlation, and were utilized to analyze research data that was collected by using Dubrin and Rahim questionnaires. The findings of this article show that, although, there is no significant difference among managers and employees in perceived conflict, managers perceive more conflict than employees in this organization. Furthermore, results show that major styles of conflict management among employees are compromise and avoidance styles, although there is no significant difference among managers and employees in using conflict management styles. Some support was found for the effect of age, education & tenure on conflict management styles.


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