Document Type : مقالات


1 Assistant professor, Tehran University

2 Associate professor, Tehran University

3 Ph.D Student of Tehran University


In recent years, supply chain management and its performance measurement has been an area of interest to both scholars & practitioners especially in the field of operation and production management. The purpose of this paper is to propose and validate a new framework based on total quality management and EFQM concepts.
In this research we try to develop a synthesized model by comparison of EFQM measures, recent supply chain performance measurement literacy, and socio economical contributing factors of Shahrvand Chain Stores. The model was measured by questionnaire approach. The criteria's reliability, validity and criteria's weight evaluated by advanced statistical and mathematical methods. The results of the research reflect significant difference between current & desirable situation for some of criteria of the model. It is important to notice that the findings of this research should cautiously be generalized to other organizations of the same line of business since the model has only been tested in one supply chain. In other word, because of the nature of the case study, external validity of the model is not justifiable.


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