Document Type : مقالات


1 Assistant professor, of management college

2 MBA Islamic Azad University of Tehran


The purpose of this research is to investigate the relationship between personality big five factors and sales performance by studying 205 sales persons of Kalleh FMCG company. According to results of this research there is a negative correlation between sales performance and neuroticism. However, extraversion and conscientiousness have affected sales performance positively. But we found no meaning full relationship between openness, agreeableness and sales performance. Furthermore, examining the relationship between sales performance and other personal characteristics such as age, sex, educations, and job experience showed no significant correlation. In our research, we also tried to recognize the factors structure of sales performance in the market of Iran through deploying factor analyses method according to the result of this analysis "direct sales", "market recognition", "improving the relationships & accuracy in evaluating reliability of customers" and "unsuccessful sales efforts" can be considered as components of sales performance in Iran. Comparing with job description of sales persons which was provided by Armstrong, it can be deducted from the findings that "accuracy in evaluating customer reliability and unlaces full sales efforts " are specific characteristics of the market of Iran. 


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