Document Type : Articles



The purpose of this paper is to investigate the relationship between the Walton’s quality of work life (QWL) factors and job satisfaction (JS). The statistical population consisted of top and middle managers and experts of Gas Company of Razavi Khorasan province. A sample of 146 was selected based on proportional sampling method. A standard questionnaire as well as Walton’s WLQ factors for job satisfaction was used to collect research data. In order to test research hypothesis, Spearman and Pearson correlation statistics were utilized. The results indicated a medium figure for WLQ and JS and significant relationship between these constructs. It was further noticed that there is a positive relationship between individual components of WLQ indicating fair compensation, safe and healthy work, environment opportunity for continued growth and security, constitutionalism, social relevance of work life, total life space, social integration, capacity for human development, and job satisfaction.


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