Document Type : Articles


1 university of guilan

2 University of Guilan

3 tehran

4 Guilan


In terms of psychology, job dissatisfaction and insecurity may have an impact on counterproductive behavior because they create conflicts between the employee and the employer and have negative impacts on employee well-being and efficiency. Individuals who are dissatisfied with their job, their commitment to work will decreases and consequently their destructive behaviors will increase. Affective commitment suggest that the employees of the organization have a strong desire for membership and a very low willingness to leave and is more likely to be the indicator of job satisfaction. The existence of job insecurity creates counterproductive behaviors in the organization, which leads to the elimination of employee commitment and the emergence of problems in the organization; therefore, it seems necessary to examine the relationship between these factors. In general, the purpose of this study was to investigate the effect of job insecurity on counterproductive behaviors with the mediating role of Affective commitment and the moderatoring role of supervisor support. The researchers seek to answer the question that does job insecurity lead to counterproductive behaviors in organizations?


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