Document Type : Articles


1 Sanabad-Golbahar

2 University of Birjand

3 Imam Reza International University


Job burnout results in deterioration of service quality that provided by staff and it can be an influencing factor in turnover, absenteeism, diminished morale and responsibility. Teachers' jobs are among the jobs that their employees suffer from burnout. Self-efficacy is predicted to be a protective factor against burnout. Self-efficacy of teachers plays an essential role in educating students. Psychological empowerment is also one of the effective factors in reducing job burnout of teachers in order that they believe have the ability and competence to perform their duties successfully. Thus, the present research surveys the role of women's psychological empowerment and self-efficacy on their job burnout in the primary schools of Tabadakan district of Mashhad city.
The definition of Maslach, Jackson (1997) about burnout is that they considered three dimensions for job burnout, including emotional exhaustion, depersonalization, and reduced personal accomplishment. According to Spreitzer (1995), psychological empowerment includes sense of competence, autonomy, effectiveness, meaningfulness and trust. Teachers' self-efficacy also involves engaging learners, training strategies and classroom management.
Accordingly, hypothesizes is presented below:
Psychological empowerment has a significant effect on teachers' self-efficacy. Psychological empowerment has a significant effect on the job burnout of teachers. Self-efficacy has a significant effect on the burnout of teachers. Psychological empowerment has a significant effect on the job burnout of teachers through their self-efficacy.


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