Document Type : Articles


Isfahan University of Isfahan (Khorasgan)


Undoubtedly, human resources are the most valuable source of today's organizations because they make organizational decisions, solve problems and give objectivity to productivity. the most important goal of each organization is to achieve predetermined goals and the organization must strive to achieve these goals and for achieving its predetermined goals the management needs to achieve optimal organizational productivity levels.  on the other hand, the higher education system is considered as one of the most complex and large-scale organizations in any country that it has an inseparable linkage with social, cultural and economic development. this study examines the relationship between career progression, career plateauing, affective commitment, job engagement and burnout. these variables affect employees and their performance that may overwhelm the total productivity, but less attention is paid to this subject. this study examines the structural equation modeling of the relationship between above variables among staff of Isfahan university.
By establishing appropriate career progression for employees, organizations help not only their success but also the progression of individuals. In fact, career progression involves a series of occupations that a person is pursuing for a career goal. In addition, three types of structural, content and biological plateauing have been reported in theoretical sources. Structural plateauing occurs when people reach the highest organizational level that they are capable. Another kind of plateauing is the content that occasionally occur due to the content of the job, which is generally classified as "low diversity", "tedious" and "boring" content. The third type of plateau is a biological plateauing that will not be satisfied in any of the areas of life. one of the other influential factors in organizations is the level of organizational commitment of the members, which in the 1970s, had a large volume of management studies.  Organizational commitment reduces absenteeism and displacement and improves citizenship behavior, work effort and job performance. Organizational commitment due to its role and effect on performance has been an important part of organizational studies. Theoritical sources suggested that employee commitment is a powerful and effective force in the success of organizations. The degree of job engagement is on the amount of commitment that a person represents in his job or career, and the internalization of individual values to proud of his/her job. Job burnout represents the physical and mental fatigue due to long-term work in extreme mental conditions. job burnout is defined as a lack of energy and vitality. person's burnout indicates a feeling of frustration with doing a job. Various factors affect the intention to turnover, some of which are: lack of appreciation, lack of progression opportunities, but as stated above, the most important cause is job dissatisfaction. one of the consequences of dissatisfaction is the intention and thought to leave the organization. The perception of justice is a polyhedral construction that incorporates three dimensions of distributive, procedural and interactional justice. all three types of justice have an important and independent role in customer satisfaction and intent to re-buy. In this regard, through distributive justice very important predictions is done.
This research is considered as applied research in terms of purpose and descriptive in terms of its nature. According to the data gathered from information and statistics center of Islamic Azad University of Isfahan, the research population consist of 1214 employees. According to the sample size set by Cohen, the sample size was calculated 291 employees and stratified random sampling method was used. Since this research is correlational, the Pearson correlation coefficient is used to determine the relationship between the components of career progression, organizational justice, job engagement, affective commitment, job burnout and Career plateauing, which is a two-variable correlation study. Structural equations modeling is used to determine the relationship between career progression, Career Plateauing, affective commitment, job Engagement and burnout. Research data were analyzed using Liserl 8.5 software and the Statistical Package  of Social Sciences 22.
The results obtained from the data analysis indicated that the Career Plateauing did not have a significant effect on the perception of organizational justice (P-value >0.05). The results of data analysis also showed that the career progression, affective commitment and job burnout have a significant effect on organizational justice perceptions (P value <0.05). It has also been shown that Career Plateauing have no statistical significant effect on the intention to turnover. In the past studies, there is a significant negative relationship between these two variables. On the other hand, the results of this study indicate that there is no significant effect of career progression affective commitment, job engagement and burnout on the intention to turnover.
Because of the impact of knowledge, ability and competencies of employees as human capital on their job motivation, managers must plan for job progression through developing the level of their knowledge, skills and competencies. to create affective commitment and enhance the perception of organizational justice, employee participation in decision making, easy access to needed information, use of managerial factors and indicators such as goal setting, motivation and empowerment of human resources may encourage job motivation and effort. in this regard, appropriate use of incentive policies, active efforts to counter organizational intruder motives such as rumors, downsizing, revenue cuts, etc., and create a sense of unity and intimacy among employees through the definition of group activities, parties, sports and recreation competitions and family entertainment in organizational activities can be happen.
job engagement of employees can affect by delegating and giving greater responsibility in decisions making, taking into account differences between individuals and supporting more, such as creating appropriate job shifts and working teams, dealing honestly, politely and with respect to employees, can be effective in the perception of Justice and reluctance to turnover. In order to reduce the job burnout of the organization, it is necessary to reform the organizational structure.


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