Document Type : Original Article


1 Assistant Professor, Department of Governance, Faculty of Law and Political Sciences, Shiraz University, Shiraz, Iran

2 Assistant Professor, Department of Public Administration, Mashhad Branch, Islamic Azad University, Mashhad, Iran


Nowadays, intelligent education,research and technology development are emphasized. Future-oriented needs assessment methods are the basis of this intelligence. which is the purpose of this article.
Their classification helps people to choose the appropriate and more intelligent method to act. The classification done is of the operational type that was done with the qualitative method of focus groups. The method of virtual focus groups has also been used to analyze and classify future-oriented needs assessment methods, in which people's opinions about "methods" are visible. This focus group includes 7 experts in the fields of education and research, science and technology policy, technology development, and future research, which has been In the first stage of this research, in the first step, ideal and widely used types of future-oriented needs assessment methods have been reviewed from the literature and in the second step, their basic structures have been recognized.used to identify people through targeted sampling." nine" Future-oriented needs assessment methods are classified according to the basic constructs substantive. The basic constructs include "capabilities" and "nature of methods". In this classification, the future-oriented approach of needs assessment is highlighted. This approach is not only as a field that helps to inform educational, research and technology development policy makers, but also as a capability and methodological evolution in needs assessment methods.The findings of the research show that most of the conventional and common future-oriented methods help to identify issues and problems, and some of these methods have the capability of future-oriented prioritization. They are also more qualitative in nature.
