Document Type : Articles



Despite the knowledge recognized widely as a vital source of competitive advantage, there is a little understanding of how organizations create and manage knowledge dynamically. In the twenty-first century, organizations have focused on their mental abilities to use their talents and knowledge creation. Therefore, this research aims to investigate the relationship between organizational intelligence and knowledge creation. The research population of this study consisted of 800 employees from an industrial organization of which 140 were randomly selected. This study is a descriptive-correlation research. Research data was collected using questionnaires introduced by Albrecht organizational intelligence and choi & lee knowledge creation. Data analysis was administered by SPSS software using simple regression and stepwise regression test, independent t-test, and one-way ANOVA analysis. According to the results, organizational intelligence and its components (Strategic vision, shared fate, appetite for change, alignment and congruence, heart, knowledge deployment and performance pressure) have positive and meaningful relationship with knowledge creation (p


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