Document Type : مقالات


1 University of Payam Noor, Tehran

2 Payam Noor University of Rasht


nowadays, when the staff are on their work and they decide to have lower participation in their works the organizations face with withdrawal behavior of them. The employees who don’t know themselves responsible to organization interact with withdrawal behaviors. on the other hand, the results of studies indicate that a high level of stress can lead to reduction of organizational commitment, and finally this problem can cause the staff to leave their work voluntarily, the highest level of withdrawal behavior. The purpose of this study is assessing the relationship between job stresses and withdrawal behaviors of employees in Guilan directorate of fisheries.
this descriptive research was done in 1392 with the correlation method. The statistical population was all of the employees of Guilan directorate fisheries that it was 749. The number of samples was 156 that were selected with the cluster sampling method in two steps. Research tools included job stress and withdrawal behavior questionnaire. the results indicate that hindrance stressor has a linear and direct relationship with withdrawal behavior, and also challenge stressor has linear and reverse relationship with withdrawal behavior.


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