Document Type : Original Article


1 PhD student in Public Administration, Faculty of Management and Economics, Science and Research Unit, Islamic Azad University, Tehran, Iran

2 Associate Professor, Department of Public Administration, Central Tehran Branch, Islamic Azad University, Tehran, Iran

3 Professor of university -science and technology, Tehran, Iran


The purpose of this research is to clarify the concept of fearless organization and understand the characteristics, drivers and sons of this concept in the field of health and treatment in Iran. In this study, Rodgers' evolutionary concept analysis approach is used. The published texts in English and Farsi in the last forty years in the field of management knowledge were searched. After applying the entry criteria and final sampling, 77 articles, 22 books and 9 theses were selected and subjected to deep analysis. The analysis process was also carried out under the supervision and review of two expert professors in the field of management. The analysis of the studied concept showed that the most important characteristics of a fearless organization are: acceptance of failure, extreme openness, transparency, constructive conflict, prevalence of "I don't know", humble listening, quick evaluation and Caring for employees. The drivers of a fearless organization are: learning from mistakes, encouraging learning, reducing shortcuts, sharing knowledge, gaining value from differences, avoiding silence and promoting speaking, effective response, designing and implementing coherent structures. To extract ideas and concerns, create culture, maintain balance in creating psychological security. The most important reasons for creating a fearless organization are: the existence of fear, lowering performance standards, the prevalence of reckless disclosure, lack of support for innovation, lack of fostering work commitment, lack of cooperative atmosphere, knowledge concealment, organizational pessimism, lack of Emphasis on goals, lack of planning processes. The results of this research can be a starting point for conducting future research and developing a conceptual model of a secure organization.
